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Definition of LOGS content

Scientific Entities


Projects are the highest organizational level in LOGS, providing a structured framework to organize data. Datasets and samples can be assigned to multiple projects, and user permissions can be set based on projects. For more information, refer to Projects.


The LOGS organizational structure contains samples. Every measurement is conducted on a sample and consequently, all datasets should be connected to samples. Explore more details: Samples.


Datasets form the central component of LOGS, representing the result of every measurement. The composition of a dataset depends on the data format, ranging from a single file to multiple files, including raw data and additional information required for data interpretation. Multiple-track datasets are also possible. Learn more aboutDatasets.

Structure your datasets

The following LOGS content will help categorize and describe datasets more precisely.

In short, an Instrument corresponds to a physical instrument in your lab (e.g., a gel documentation system). A measuring methods, which in this example would be an image, can be configured. An experiment can be defined optionally. In this example it could be a agarose gel, a SDS gel, and more.

  • Data Format: A data format corresponds to one format parser that reads a specific type of file (or files) from one vendor. Different data formats can be grouped to one measuring methods, e.g. NMR: Bruker, JEOL, Varian, etc. New data formats can only be added by our developers. You can request a data format by using this form. You can find a list of all data formats that are supported by LOGS under More:Content:Supported data formats.

  • Measuring Method: A measurement method can be a group of data formats and is like a tag that can automatically apply to all datasets from a specific data source (or manually apply when uploading datasets in the browser).

  • Instrument: With instruments you can organize your physical iinstruments in your lab and describe them with all relevant information about the instrument, like the name, the location, vendor and responsible persons.

  • Experiment: An experiment is part of a measuring methods which can be used to as more precise tag for datasets. One measuring methods can have different experiments assigned to.

  • Suppl. equipment: Supplementary Equipment can be exchangeable parts of an instrument, for e.g. lasers, rotors and more. Suppl. equipment is an additional tag which describes a variable set up of an instrument in more detail.

Structure Persons and Accounts


Organizations in LOGS are one level to structure users in LOGS. Every person or user in LOGS should be associated with an organization in LOGS. Configuration and Overview of organizations can be found under More:Content:Organizations. To add a new organization, click on the blue Add organization button in the upper right, fill out the respected fields and click Create. Users and persons can be assigned to organization in the Persons edit dialog (Edit Persons).

Four different categories (tags) of organizations are available: Research groups, Academic bodies, Vendors and Others. You can add or edit the tags under More:Tags:Organization tags.

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