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With LOGS Documents you can connect datasets with other documents like papers, thesis and protocols. Documents can be different file formats like .pdf and .doc. Also images like illustrations and vector graphics can be uploaded as documents. These documents are not parsed like datasets, therefore you can upload any kind of dataformat. Some image formats can be also uploaded as datasets, for example gel images. You have to decide which is the best way for you to organize such data with LOGS but we can of course advise you on this. In this case, please send us an email at To unambiguously reference a document, every document has a unique identifier (UID) which can be found in the URL after the #.

Note: Documents are not available in Facility Licences.

Add a document

Go to “Documents” in the navigation bar and click “Add Document”. Type in a title and fill in the required fields Authors and Projects. You can add one or more files by clicking on “choose files” or drag the files in the provided field. If you add a public document you can also fill in useful information about the publication like the DOI or publication date by clicking on “add publication information”. If you don’t edit the publication information, the document will be categorized as unpublished which can be useful for search and filter functions (How to use documents page). Make changes or additions if you want and click the save button to save and close the window.

Link documents with datasets

Go to the “Datasets” page and select one or more datasets that you want to link to a document. Choose “Link Document” in the yellow dropdown menu at the top of the page. Then you can choose to “Create new document” and you are redirected to the “Add Document” dialog or you can choose “Link to existing document” where you can choose one document from the list by clicking on it. You can always change the linkage of datasets and documents on the “Documents” page. Samples that belong to datasets are automatically linked to the document if a dataset of the sample is linked.

Link documents with Samples

Go to the “Samples” page and select one or more samples that you want to link to a document. Choose “Link Document” in the yellow dropdown menu at the top of the page. Then you can choose to “Link the sample(s) to a new document” and you are redirected to the “Add Document” dialog or you can choose “Link to existing document” where you can choose one document from the list by clicking on it. You can always change the linkage of datasets and documents on the “Documents” page.

Link documents with Documents

You can also link documents among other documents by selecting two or more documents in the document table and clicking “Link Documents” in the yellow dropdown menu. Here you can choose “Create new document” and you are redirected to the “Add Document” dialog or you can choose “Link to existing document” where you can choose one document from the list by clicking on it.

Use documents page

The “My Documents” view is pre-selected, but you can always modify the view of the documents table. By clicking on “Reset” you can see all Documents that you are allowed to see in the documents table (based on project permissions and user rights). You can also filter to see only published documents by clicking on “Published Documents”. Other filters that can be used are Owner (user who uploaded the document), Author and Project. You can also choose one or more filters by clicking on the arrows and choosing one option or by starting typing into the fields. In the upper right you can change the order of the documents table by entry date or alphabetically.

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